Welcome To My Online Soap Box

Welcome To My Online Soap Box

Welcome To My Online Soap Box.
Hello Everyone,

How are you? I 'm so glad that whomever you may be that you've decided to come and sit with me for a bit. Now as to the reasons why I created this blog, well, actually it's pretty simple. I've always said how I've been wanting to reach out and do more for my customers. You see, I 'm a (I hate this word but it describes my job perfectly.) I'm a telephone psychic. I've been one for the past nine years. I have been thinking of other ways to reach new people and one day, I thought 'Why not do a blog?' I mean don't get me wrong, I love to talk over a phone but after a while it can become a bit well, it gets on my nerves! Living in the age that we do I figured that was time for me to get with the program.

On this blog, I not only want to build strong relationships with new and current customers. I also would like to talk about things that you normally wouldn't think a psychic would talk about. My main goal though, is to debunk a lot the issues that psychics and others in my field may face. On this blog, nothing is too off limits, I feel that with all the ways of communicating that's one thing we don't do enough of. I also want to allow you the public to see into my life or as Britney Spears would say 'A Piece Of Me' .

Let's face it, we've all been guilty of thinking of people who do my type of work as super-human begins or worse. I hate to break it to all of you we're not! We're just begins period people who have faults, bad days, who cry and just tries to make it like the rest of you.

Hopefully, by reading this blog you'll see that. All while getting to know me on a more personal level and I the same for you.

Welcome to My World, Now let's have some fun!

Love, Leo Brown

http://www.keen.com/psychic leo brown



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