Learning To Like and Love Yourself.

Loving yourself. That sounds so easy, simple, life-affirming and refreshing at the same time. We live in such an instant world now, I mean, at the touch of button or the click of a mouse, we can have anything we want. Be it food, sex, clothing anything. Or at least we are told we can. If you are feeling sick or want to lose unwanted weight just do this one diet or take this magical pill and all your worries will be over. Right? Wrong! Oh, wrong we are! Which brings me to this topic. What the advertisers, magazines and television shows do not tell you is that in order to have all these things, you have to start within. Now, here is where it doesn't get so fun or become so simple. In order to start this within journey you have to start asking yourself some hard-hitting questions. The first that I like to start with is, Do you like yourself? Go Ahead ask yourself that question right now. If you can say yes without hesitation, then you are halfway there, if you ask yourself this question and all these other questions come up then we have some work to do.

Learning to like yourself is not easy. Let me say that again, learning to like yourself is not easy. Why? Well, look around you. From the time we are children to well into adulthood, we are told how to walk, talk, act ,dress everything. So it makes perfect sense that by the time we are well into our life journey that some of us do not know who or what we have become anymore. The journey of liking yourself starts with taking responsibility for everything you do in your life and that's where the hard-hitting questions come in. For instance, Are you scared of the truth? Do you have a healthy self-image? Do You Respect Yourself? Are you where you want to be in your life? Tough questions to ask yourself, I know. I have trouble with these myself.

 These are very important questions because if you cannot and do not like yourself, you cannot love yourself. They go hand in hand. Liking yourself also means knowing when to let go of something. For instance if you are in an unhealthy relationship of any kind and even though you know the person you are with is not treating you with the respect that all humans deserve, you still hang on. Hoping that maybe this person will turn around and things will go back to what they once were.

Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen and we have to then realize that it is time for us to let go of this situation and get real with ourselves. This is hard believe me, I know but it is something that we all have to do in every aspect of our lives. Letting go of something means not only that you like yourself but you are taking a stand for yourself. It says you respect yourself. More importantly, you are on the path to learning to love yourself.

Loving Yourself. Now, this takes forever to do and learn. Let me say that again, loving yourself takes forever to do and learn. It is not overnight, nothing is really. If it was I would be very, very rich and the believe me I am not! Loving yourself starts with begin honest with yourself. Asking yourself questions like Are you Happy ? Have you really found your passion? Are you on your path? Am I thinking outside the box enough? These are even harder questions to ask and answer because not only do they invoke a lot of questions but they also make you think and reflect. Reflection is a great thing but also this can be painful because you may have regrets or things that are too painful to deal with. That's okay, this is apart of the journey that we all have to go through even myself.

 Loving yourself means putting yourself first, learning to say no when needed and embracing change. Like for instance say your about to buy a home and you find out that the home needs a lot of work. Even though your real estate agent has told you that it would not be the best idea to purchase this home, you do so anyway. Finding in the process of buying this property that there is a lot more work that has to be done so you decide to put forth the money, time and energy and fix the house. Only to waste time and all that money. Soon, you come to the decision that you have to give up on the house and move on. This is part of loving yourself walking away from something that you love even though you've put energy into it. This a hard thing but it says that you not only love yourself but you have a life to live and enjoy. So, ask those hard-hitting questions and let the journey flow like the waters of the earth.

Love, Leo


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