How Did I Get Here?
How Did I Get Here?
This is a question that I believe everyone has asked at some point in their lives. Even myself. The reason I ask the question now is because I sometimes wonder about what I do. Don't get me wrong, I love my job the good and bad of it but sometimes, I wonder to myself what pushed me into this arena. Actually, it was quite by accident. I remember it very vividly, I was job searching begin that I had been let go from my three year old job as a phone actor.
More on that in a completely different post. I also remember begin in a panicky mess. The whole time I'm looking at other phone acting jobs, I'm thinking, How am I going to pay the bills? What am I going to do? the whole bit. When my best friend piped up and said "Why don't get into the psychic business?" I thought that he was joking. I told him in a very serious voice that "I could never do that and would never do that" Besides I said to him, isn't that unethical or something like that? I'm a very spiritual person and I question everything. (more on that in another time) "No" he said. "A lot of people have psychics they talk to and you've always wanted to help people right?" This was true. Even when I was studying music in college I wanted to do something more, I just didn't know what that more was. So, per his guidance I started to look around for psychic jobs. I had been giving readings to people before as something to do, I never thought you could make a business out of it.
It was something I never took seriously. Not that I didn't believe in it, I did. I saw things happen in friends lives and people I knew, I just thought it was just luck. I had been doing it since I was 21 and it was fun to me that's all. So, with my experience and phone training, I started to work for some companies. I worked with a few companies just to get my feet wet and the more I worked for these companies, the more I didn't care for them. I felt that they wanted the client to become dependent on the psychic and that really doesn't fly and still does not fly with me.
Also, you had to keep a call average. Which I couldn't stand, I thought it was stupid. My rule is this: I tell you what I see and you make your own choices, that's it. Now fast forward to the present. I have to say I love job even more because it has taught me the importance of not only looking back but that sometimes looking back is the key to moving forward.
Take for instance, if you have lost a job or gone through a break-up. Think about this: What did you or the powers that be do to cause such a change? Maybe you did nothing, Maybe you didn't listen enough or the persons in your life didn't take enough time out to show that they really cared. Maybe, Maybe, Maybe. What I am saying is that before get all mopey and sad or any other range of emotions. I want you to do one thing for me: Ask this question? How did I get here?
Life is what you make of it, live it well.
Live in Balance, Leo Brown.
This is a question that I believe everyone has asked at some point in their lives. Even myself. The reason I ask the question now is because I sometimes wonder about what I do. Don't get me wrong, I love my job the good and bad of it but sometimes, I wonder to myself what pushed me into this arena. Actually, it was quite by accident. I remember it very vividly, I was job searching begin that I had been let go from my three year old job as a phone actor.
More on that in a completely different post. I also remember begin in a panicky mess. The whole time I'm looking at other phone acting jobs, I'm thinking, How am I going to pay the bills? What am I going to do? the whole bit. When my best friend piped up and said "Why don't get into the psychic business?" I thought that he was joking. I told him in a very serious voice that "I could never do that and would never do that" Besides I said to him, isn't that unethical or something like that? I'm a very spiritual person and I question everything. (more on that in another time) "No" he said. "A lot of people have psychics they talk to and you've always wanted to help people right?" This was true. Even when I was studying music in college I wanted to do something more, I just didn't know what that more was. So, per his guidance I started to look around for psychic jobs. I had been giving readings to people before as something to do, I never thought you could make a business out of it.
It was something I never took seriously. Not that I didn't believe in it, I did. I saw things happen in friends lives and people I knew, I just thought it was just luck. I had been doing it since I was 21 and it was fun to me that's all. So, with my experience and phone training, I started to work for some companies. I worked with a few companies just to get my feet wet and the more I worked for these companies, the more I didn't care for them. I felt that they wanted the client to become dependent on the psychic and that really doesn't fly and still does not fly with me.
Also, you had to keep a call average. Which I couldn't stand, I thought it was stupid. My rule is this: I tell you what I see and you make your own choices, that's it. Now fast forward to the present. I have to say I love job even more because it has taught me the importance of not only looking back but that sometimes looking back is the key to moving forward.
Take for instance, if you have lost a job or gone through a break-up. Think about this: What did you or the powers that be do to cause such a change? Maybe you did nothing, Maybe you didn't listen enough or the persons in your life didn't take enough time out to show that they really cared. Maybe, Maybe, Maybe. What I am saying is that before get all mopey and sad or any other range of emotions. I want you to do one thing for me: Ask this question? How did I get here?
Life is what you make of it, live it well.
Live in Balance, Leo Brown.
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