Star Readings:Tyler Henry.

The Hollywood Medium, Tyler Henry
Healing with heart and harmony. If you could sum up Hollywood medium Tyler Henry. That pretty much covers it. With his good looks, boyish charm and honest disposition. Tyler wants to help you to heal and make you smile at the same time. Today we're going to find out more about Tyler and what makes him who he is.

Tyler On Tyler

Even though the show is called  Hollywood Medium. Tyler's not Hollywood at all. He's more of boy next door. Who when the cameras aren't rolling loves to laugh, loves to learn and he loves begin at home. He also loves junk food (big candy and starbrust fan) I pick up a lot of music around him as well. Not playing but just moving and grooving. He likes a lot of top 40 stuff and I pick up classical music too. He really is an old soul. Which is why if you watch the show, you get the sense that he's done this not just all of his life but in other lives as well. I pick up that he loves nature and any chance he has to clear his head and turn down the radio dial (when it comes to his abilities) I pick up that he is beyond grateful for this opportunity. However, it does at times wear him out. As he knows that he cannot help everyone. If he could though he would. Tyler honey, I'm begin told to tell you that you need to rest more and when you have some private time, write. I pick up that your mission is about more than begin on television. However, enjoy the ride because it's going to take you to places you never thought you'd go.

Tyler's Career.

There will be more seasons of his show. I'm counting up to 4 more. He loves doing the show and meeting the people that he meets. Even though I do pick up moments of psychic burnout. I also see more writing as well. There's going to be 2-3 more books. I also see him speaking. Things like bullying and discrimination are causes that hit close to home for him. He wants to fight for those that often don't get to fight for themselves. He also wants to make it so that other psychics and mediums who are young can have someone to relate to. He is going to tour as well. That's coming either in the middle of this year or next year. I also pick up world travel too. I see that Europe and Canada are knocking at his door.

Tyler's Love Life.

I don't pick up anyone that is permanent. Though he does date when time permits. Although, I do pick up that he likes men that are dark. Either dark in hair color, skin color or both. I get a lot to do with latin men for some reason. He wants love in his life, something lasting but he also wants someone who understands his work and his mission. This is what he was meant to do. When it comes to relationships Tyler is very giving, almost too giving. He's very much someone who believes that to truly build something real. You have to take time with it and nurture it. By the time he is 22-23 he'll be in something very serious and very real. It may shock him at first but it's going to so worth it and a lot of fun. So don't worry Tyler boo, your twin is out there and coming soon. He will be older too, between 23-26.

Tyler's Mission.

Teaching, readings, radio and television, speaking and raising awareness to help others. That's his mission. I get that he has a big soft spot for children, animals, bullying, GLBTQ issues and the planet. As he gets older. I see him either speaking out for causes like these or giving both his time and money. He wants to help the world, he really does. That's why his reading are often so personal and emotional. Many people think that he is not real and just a product of the media machine. Not so, they came to him, not the other way around. Also there's a lot things that we as viewers don't see. Is he always right? No. That doesn't mean that he isn't psychic or a medium. Quite the contrary, it means that he is human. (No psychic or medium is 100% TV or not.) He signed on to do this for three very important reasons. 1. To prove that everyone has this ability 2. To show younger psychics that they are not alone 3. To show that what he and others like him do is not a joke, novelty or just entertainment.

For that to him I say thank you. Thank you Tyler, for begin who you are. You are one of the many people who are changing the world. Never forget that and always remember to remain humble and grounded within yourself.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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