Star Readings: Emma Watson.

Born April 15th,1990. Warm, funny and thoughtful. Ms.Watson is just getting started when comes down to her path that not only includes her very, very capable acting. (She's grown so much as a person and woman since the "potter years" ) Emma's birth number is the number 2. People born under the number two tend to lead with their heart. Which is why when she gave that emotional speech to the united nations her voice shook a bit. Because it was from the heart. I see Ms.Watson becoming a force of nature behind the scenes producing, writing, directing. Emma's name number (yes, there is a difference between your name and birth number.) falls under the number 6. She is very approachable and social but at the same time not afraid to speak her mind. I pick up her slowly easing her way into activism. Especially when it comes to young women and human rights. I also see her if she hasn't already starting a foundation for kids. Begin that she is born with the number two...