Star Readings: Erik Dillard.

Singer/ Actor/ Writer/Entertainer/Truth Seeker/Survivor. He sings because he is happy, he sings because he is free. If you were to describe performer Erik Dillard the lines from the classic spiritual “His eye is on the sparrow” would fit him perfectly. Erik, that's Ms. Melody if you're nasty honey, shows no signs of no longer showing up, giving up or showing the fuck out! Erik has paid and continues to pay his dues, guaranteeing himself a seat at the table. Trust me when I tell you, he will not lose. Erik's Mission If I had to put what drives Mr. Dillard into a word it would be Empowerment and Freedom. Freedom of the mind, body and especially the spirit. Not just when it comes to expression but the ability to be who you are and show every color that is in your crayon box. For too long he knows what it's like to not be yourself. In fact, it's something that he still has his issues with but he also knows that once you embrace all that yo...