
Showing posts from August, 2015

Getting REAL about relationships.

For most of my life, I've been in love with love. However, I've come to realize that I'm not alone in this fact. Many of us both men and women are or have been at one point and time. In love in with the mistress called L.O.V.E.  There comes a time when you stop begin in love with love and start getting real. Not just about love but why we're in love with the idea and fantasy of begin loved but not doing the work of loving someone from an unconditional, genuine place. Now, I'm not saying there's anything with begin in love with love because love is one of our purest emotions but if you always choose to have rose colored glasses on. It can and will cause a problem. Here's a few things that I've seen that contribute to our ongoing infatuation with love, 1. Society: Society as a whole plays a HUGE role in how we view relationships. Think about it for a moment. When you look back on say, your childhood. What kind of love did your parents have with e...

Star Readings: Donna Mills.

The eyes have it ! Donna Mills has always captivated us with her sensual,smoldering looks and the way that she delivers a biting but truthful line. It doesn't matter what role she chooses to play. She makes sure that she is both seen and heard. Donna Mills was born to stand out and sometimes stand on her own. There's a reason she's a diva with a capital D. However, I'm going to look beyond the glam and find the woman behind those eyes. Donna and Love. What I pick for Donna is the feeling of “Ahh”. When it comes to love, romance and relationships. Donna is at the place now where everything just fits but there's still more to learn not only about herself but the man she is with. There's a deep love here for the simple fact that they both allow each other to have space both personal and emotional. He loves her more than she knows and there's sides to her that no one in front of a camera will ever see. They're each others everything and you wou...

Embracing My Oshun/Aphrodite~Why I LOVE Begin Feminine.

I am a feminine man. I know, know it's hard to see because in the words of Madtv's Ms. Swan "I look like a man." For many, many years. I hated everything to do with the divine feminine that was within me. Because I was taught that for me begin feminine was weak, wrong and not to be messed with. In both of the of the black and gay communities. There is a lot of shaming. Across the board. It doesn't matter if it is masculine, fat, fem, black, white, top or bottom. Shaming within our communities happen. Because of the sometimes mixed messages received within our community. I felt as if I had to choose between the two polarities that live within not only me but within everyone. Even as I was growing up I always related to the experiences of a woman or saw myself in the women around me. Which was often times met with dirty looks or the you need Jesus talk. In my growing up, I was taught that if you weren't a masculine or didn't like fuckin' wit hoe...

The REAL reason people call/see psychics.

There's an old saying that goes. "People do different things for different reasons." That's true in some respects. If we were to sit and think for a minute about our patterns and routines we'll all notice that we may do something in a different way from someone else.  When it comes to my profession. I've often found myself saying "Why are they calling or coming to see me?" I know that to some of you that may sound silly but it's true. In giving readings. I've often wondered what makes a person seek out me or someone like me.  Over the years, I've come up with some good and some not so good reasons as to why people like you and I seek out services from a psychic/healer/medium/card reader etc, etc, etc. Here are a few of them.  1. Confirmation: Have you ever gotten the hunch that something just wasn't right with the one you love or your job? Well, that's where the psychic comes in! Nine times out of Ten you alre...

That one time...I “heard” but didn't “listen” over and over and over again.

That one time...revelations of a lifetime. by Leo Brown. Gay men who are known as trade. I had just gotten back from one of my favorite places in the world. Las Vegas. I don't know what it is about sin city but it resonates with me and I it. I absolutely love it! Everything down to the weather and homeless guys on the street. Even they sparkle to me despite begin covered in dirt. I had gone there to celebrate my turning 34 a week early. I wanted to bring in my 34th year with a bang and I got exactly what I asked for. Before making this trip. I had been talking with a guy named Delroy. (Not his real name.) I met him on a telephone chat site and when we met. It was at least for me a very magickal experience. I thought “Finally, I've found someone who understood me.” We had been talking for over 14 months and it was nice to be desired and thought of.  As he and I would talk everyday for sometimes hours about everything from marriage, living together and even the poss...