Good Morning Everyone, today I'm introducing a new series that I will do each month. It's called "Stuff Leo Likes" or SLL. I'll review everything from music to food. Today I'm introducing two products. The first begin in my opinion the top "grown and sexy" soundtrack of the month. If you're looking for music that evokes emotions, great lyrics and the music just flows from track to track. Then check out Seven by the late great Vesta Williams! When I say that this sagittarius lady put not only her toe but whole foot in this album I mean it! She's in great voice, the vibe of album overall is one of completion, and there is a song for every mood. My top tracks that standout for me on this album are: "What is this?"- This song brought me to tears on just on the first listen. (Don't listen to if you've broken up with your main squeeze or you're just going through some shit.) "Can we Talk About It?"- Nic...